Fees Structure & Policy

School Fees and Withdrawal Policy

Definition: To comply with the relevant legislation under which Higher Learning Centre (HLC) is bound and to ensure the School delivers a transparent, effective and efficient School Fees and withdrawal policy. This policy applies to both Applicants and current Students of HLC.


  • School Fees are due in Full at the onset of every School Term.
  • Refund of Fees: Fees are non-refundable. No fractional fees will be calculated for the purpose of claiming a lesser charge on the term fees in the event of late enrolment, withdrawal or dropping out. Full Term fees are always applicable.
  • Withdrawal from HLC: Once accepted the school Registration contract is legally binding and should parents wish to withdraw their child from HLC before the expiry of the contract, parents are liable to give a minimum of one (1) term’s notice before the withdrawal of the child, apart from Form 4 and Form 6 students.
  • There is strictly NO withdrawal in either Form 4 or Form 6.
  • If there is NO notice of withdrawal from students in Forms: 1; 2; 3; 5 then HLC will proceed to demand full fees payment for the duration of the contract.
  • In the case of a Form 1 student, the contract is valid for the full 4 years.
  • In the case of a Form 5 student, the contract is valid for the full 2 years.
  • If a student enrolls with HLC either in Form 2, 3, 4 or 6 then the contract is valid from the time the student enrolled up to the year the student writes their Public Examinations (“O” or “A” Level).
  • Breach of Contract: In the event of a student withdrawing from HLC before the expiry of the contract and non-fees payment ensues, legal action to recover fees owed to HLC shall be instituted. All legal costs accrued shall be borne by the student’s parent / guardian on a legal practitioner or client scale. Liability of payment lies strictly with the parent or guardian.


On Campus Tution

The fee includes basic levies that cut accross all departments and forms.

$ 585 Termly

For a detailed structure of all fees and levies please click on the fees structure link.

Boarding Fees (Optional)

The fee caters for on-campus accomodation and feeding.

$ 400 Termly

For a detailed structure of all fees and levies please click on the fees structure link.